In the latest video short in The Jameel Principles series we look at the values and guiding principles that drive the culture of Abdul Latif Jameel.  At Abdul Latif Jameel, we step out of our comfort zone, pursue opportunities, and take calculated risks.  We are eager to confront future challenges and innovate to make a difference.  Pioneering and innovation apply to all Associates, regardless of seniority levels.

In a new video with Peter Aberle, Chief Executive Officer, Abdul Latif Jameel Motors Saudi Arabia, we look more closely at the ‘Pioneer’ value.

In the video, Peter says:

“A particular Arabic proverb stuck well in my mind: ‘if the wind blows, ride it’.  This was a favorite of our late founder, the late Sheikh Abdul Latif Jameel, and I quickly understood why.  It very nicely sums up his pioneering and entrepreneurial spirit that was just present when I joined back then, as it is today.  And that will no doubt continue to live long into our company’s future.”

The Jameel Principles outlines that Abdul Latif Jameel respects its Associates’ desire to develop themselves to become better professionals and pursue a better life.  As such an Associate-Company relationship is formed, based on mutual trust, respect, and responsibility.

Asked to identify what being a pioneer really means, Peter adds:

“To me, being a pioneer is to possess the spirit of coming up with new ideas, to take calculated risks, to move beyond the comfort zone, and not to be afraid of trying new things… to push boundaries, and to experience success by overcoming challenges.”

Read more about how The Jameel Principles was created and the role of corporate culture in this Perspectives article with Faisal Abdalla, Vice President, Corporate HR and Kaizen, Abdul Latif Jameel.