We conduct continuous improvement activities not only because we want to make our operations more efficient or to become able to serve our customers better; we conduct improvement activities because we respect ourselves as Associates spending our lives working for Abdul Latif Jameel.

In the latest video short in The Jameel Principles series we look at the values and guiding principles that drive the culture of Abdul Latif Jameel.  We strive to eliminate any work or time that is low or non-value adding and to maximize our outputs.  Through this trial and error, we hope to see ourselves develop and eventually become better professionals.

Watch this new video with Faisal Abdalla, Vice President, Corporate HR and Kaizen on the core value of ‘improvement’.

In the video, Faisal discusses the concept of Kaizen, otherwise known as continuous improvement:

“Many people say that ‘Kaizen’ is only applicable to our frontline operations, or in factories or sales outlets, or indeed in service workshops.  In my humble opinion, however, ‘Kaizen’ is applicable to all walks of life and in all moments of the day.  It is an activity to uplift and improve any current situation to a better one. 

“Our vision to have all Associates from frontline to top management to be continuously setting ambitious goals that will contribute to the company objectives and strive, through trial and error, until their own goals are achieved.”

The Jameel Principles outlines that Abdul Latif Jameel respects its Associates’ desire to develop themselves to become better professionals and pursue a better life.  As such an Associate-Company relationship is formed, based on mutual trust, respect, and responsibility.

Within the ‘Improve’ value, The Jameel Principles outlines the following points for Associates to consider and apply:

  • Keep an eye on the ideal situation and strive to reach through trial and error
  • Accept honest mistakes
  • Have humility to accept there is always a better way
  • Value teamwork and collaboration

Read more about how The Jameel Principles was created and the role of corporate culture in this Perspectives article with Faisal Abdalla, Vice President, Corporate HR and Kaizen, Abdul Latif Jameel.